JeffGeiss We have a local install scheduled this weekend and we are going to film a step by step procedure for installing the Rack and Pinion mounts we sell. Since there are so many different shapes and sizes for ROR obsy's our hope is to add as many video setups as possible.
area51 JeffGeiss This is amazing. I can't wait to modify my shed with this. I'm currently using a Rubbermaid shed with a linear actuator but it only opens half way. My new Mach2GTO is too big and will collide with the roof. I need to offset the Rubbermaid roof with 2x4s and convert it into this type of roof mechanism.
area51 JeffGeiss This is amazing. I can't wait to modify my shed with this. I'm currently using a Rubbermaid shed with a linear actuator but it only opens half way. My new Mach2GTO is too big and will collide with the roof. I need to offset the Rubbermaid roof with 2x4s and convert it into this type of roof mechanism.
JeffGeiss Many years ago, I had an idea to convert the rubbermaid style buildings into observatory. Actually the ones I looked at were designed to store the garbage cans. It had a nice flip up lid that I thought could easily be modified.
area51 Im having my rubbermaid modified as I type this. Going to lift the roof and use the minilair drawer slides.
JeffGeiss 3/4" It has been used on the mini but its overkill for sure. Problem we have had is finding good gear options for the smaller 72watt motor that we use for Shutters on domes.